Gasification Plant Construction for Waste Disposal

Gasification is a flexible, reliable, and clean energy technology that can turn a variety of low-value feed stocks into high-value products, help reduce our dependence on foreign oil and natural gas, and can provide a clean alternative source of electricity, fertilizers, fuels, and chemicals.

Biomass, a renewable organic resource, includes agriculture crop residues (such as corn stover or wheat straw), forest residues, special crops grown specifically for energy use (such as switchgrass or willow trees), organic municipal waste, and animal wastes. These renewable resources, called feed stocks, can be used to produce electricity, fuel, and chemicals by gasification.


Pay It Forward’s goal is to construct a clean, closed-system, plant that does not include any burning or emissions into the environment. 

If you are interested in contributing  towards this project please reach out to us directly.

Thank You

Municipal Waste

Pay It Forward has a goal of raising $10 million to construct a gasification facility. This goal will be achieved through numerous campaigns and with the support of many, and it will take time.

Initially, the feed-stock for the gasification process will be single-use plastic bags but will evolve over time to include other municipal waste such as other plastics, used tires, medical waste, among others.


According to Waste Management, Americans use 100 billion plastic bags per year, which means the average family takes home 1,500 plastic bags per year. Only 1% of plastic bags are returned to drop-off locations for recycling while the rest end up in landfills. It takes more than 500 (or more) years for a plastic bag to degrade.

Most single-use plastic bags end up in landfills, the ocean, or littering our environment, impacting birds, marine life, and humans as many communities in the U.S do not accept plastic bags in curbside recycling because the bags get tangled up in the equipment, causing problems for recyclers.

Unfortunately, the bags do not break down completely but instead become micro-plastics that absorb toxins and continue to pollute the environment. 

With the help of like-minded individuals, businesses, and organizations Pay It Forward is hopeful that one day we can cleanly convert single-use plastic bags, used tires, low-value biomass and other feedstocks, to create fuel cells, LNG fuel, methanol, and other beneficial products through the gasification process.