Educational Forums

Pay It Forward will hold seminars, webinars, and forums to educate, enlighten, and discuss some of today’s most pressing challenges, Forums will include subject matter experts, educational materials, guest speakers, and travel opportunities for firsthand observation and solution implementation. Through our forums, we will address issues that affect the health and wellness of ourselves and our communities.

Studies suggest reading on paper as better for concentration, learning and remembering than reading digitally. We believe that “print’s” physical properties. no matter the subject, will allow for this information to be communicated and consumed efficiently. With the help from our sponsors reference materials and workbooks will be provided to allow continuing education and reinforcement of valuable tools and resources.

While addressing challenges and implementing solutions, some of the personal benefits of the Pay It Forward educational forums includes: 


Developing of life skills
Learning about protecting our environment
Interacting with new technologies
Focusing on personal wellness
Contributing towards sustainable solutions
Supporting healthy living
Nurturing relationships
Discussing intellectually engaging topics


If you are interested in contributing towards printed materials and handouts please reach out to us directly.

Thank You